I only quoted verbatim what the Insight volume says on the subject. Whether there are more recent statements clarifying their analysis, I cannot comment on at this time, because I simply cannot recall any. Perhaps others, such as blondie, may know and give their quotations.
Spike Tassel
JoinedPosts by Spike Tassel
The Last (Lord's) Supper
by PSacramento ini wanted to ask this question beacuse at the last memorial supper it caught my attention more than it ever did:.
why do some (not just the jw's) believe that judas did not partkae of the lord's supper, the bread and the wine?.
in the synoptic gospels of matt, mark and luke, there is nomention of judas being sent away, indeed in luke jesus says "behold the hand of the betrayer at the table with me".. while in john judas is sent away, he is sent after the supper, though it is not clear if this was the lord's supper since there is no mention of the the partaking of the wine and bread in john.. help would be greatly appreciated.. .
Jesus's Divinity
by PSacramento injust to confrim, do jw's believe that jesus is divine?.
not that jesus is god, which they obviously don't believe, but that jesus is divine, with the divien qualities of his father?.
also, do jw's beleive or agree that, in the new covenant, jesus has the primary role that was god's in the old covenant?.
Spike Tassel
The working definition the scriptures use for "god" and "God" is Psalm 82. The context I was speaking of is the New Covenant is particular, which is between God and spiritual Israel (the 144,000 who are to rule with Christ in heaven). Those with the earthly hope benefit from the applications of the New Covenant, but are not part of it. It is like the swearing in of a government cabinet. Mediation by Christ Jesus is certainly for the great crowd also, which is why both the anointed and the other sheep pray "to Jehovah", "in the name of Jesus". We all require a mediator, Jesus Christ, because of being sinners before the One who cannot look upon sin. That's the way I think it best to articulate, at this point.
Jesus's Divinity
by PSacramento injust to confrim, do jw's believe that jesus is divine?.
not that jesus is god, which they obviously don't believe, but that jesus is divine, with the divien qualities of his father?.
also, do jw's beleive or agree that, in the new covenant, jesus has the primary role that was god's in the old covenant?.
Spike Tassel
I would not generally use the term "polytheistic" in the popular understanding regarding JWs, because the secondary gods (from Jesus/ Michael/ the Word on down) all have validity only within the context of Jehovah, the Supreme Leader and Commander in Chief, who JWs must never exclude or ignore.
Jesus's Divinity
by PSacramento injust to confrim, do jw's believe that jesus is divine?.
not that jesus is god, which they obviously don't believe, but that jesus is divine, with the divien qualities of his father?.
also, do jw's beleive or agree that, in the new covenant, jesus has the primary role that was god's in the old covenant?.
Spike Tassel
the holy spirit is how Jehovah works to accomplish his will and purposes
The Last (Lord's) Supper
by PSacramento ini wanted to ask this question beacuse at the last memorial supper it caught my attention more than it ever did:.
why do some (not just the jw's) believe that judas did not partkae of the lord's supper, the bread and the wine?.
in the synoptic gospels of matt, mark and luke, there is nomention of judas being sent away, indeed in luke jesus says "behold the hand of the betrayer at the table with me".. while in john judas is sent away, he is sent after the supper, though it is not clear if this was the lord's supper since there is no mention of the the partaking of the wine and bread in john.. help would be greatly appreciated.. .
Spike Tassel
If we turn to Insight on the Scriptures, the heading "Last Night With Jesus." speaks to your point, as follows:—
While the Passover meal was in process Jesus ministered to the apostles, humbly washing their feet. Hypocritical Judas allowed Jesus to do that to him But Jesus said, "Not all of you are clean." (Joh 13:2-5, 11) He also stated that one of the apostles there at the table would betray him. Perhaps so as not to appear guilty, Judas asked if he was the one. As a further identification, Jesus gave Judas a morsel and told him to do quickly what he was doing.—Mt. 26:21-25; Mr 14:18-21; Lu 22":21-23; Joh 13:21-30.
Immediately Judas left the group. A comparison of Matthew 26:20-29 with John 13:21-30 indicates that he departed before Jesus instituted the celebration of the Lord's Evening Meal. Luke's presentation of this incident evidently is not in strict chronological order, for Judas has definitely left by the time Christ commended the group for having stuck with him; that would not fit Judas, nor would he have been taken into the "covenant . . . for a kingdom.:—Lu 22:19-30.
Spike Tassel
I believe that "waiting on Jehovah" and "God helps those who help themselves" both have their places. Both are dependent upon me seeing things that I'd like to have improved. In "waiting on Jehovah", I weigh incoming evidence and practicality. I look for principles from God's word being applied to the particular situation, and see if I am missing something to get part of the job done myself. If I am missing something, then sometimes I must wait for clarification, for the timing to be right, or I go about getting what is required for my part in the job. Once I feel I have what I need to make a useful contribution, such as in this post, I go ahead. Then I "wait on Jehovah" for what to apply myself to next. All of this is applying the "seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness" principle we can find at Matthew 6:33. It is my taking responsibility, so not a cop out.
Jesus's Divinity
by PSacramento injust to confrim, do jw's believe that jesus is divine?.
not that jesus is god, which they obviously don't believe, but that jesus is divine, with the divien qualities of his father?.
also, do jw's beleive or agree that, in the new covenant, jesus has the primary role that was god's in the old covenant?.
Spike Tassel
JW's believe that Jesus is Divine. Not that Jesus is God, which they obviously don't believe, but that Jesus is divine, with the divine qualities of his father, as you thought, P Sacramento.
As for the New Covenant, Jesus is the Mediator between Jehovah and spiritual Israel, just as Moses was the Mediator between Jehovah and fleshly Israel.
Spike Tassel
The term "worship of Jesus" in popular culture is muddled up with various unscriptural concepts, so I generally don't find it particularly useful. I prefer to use terms such as "honor Jesus", "obey Jesus", and "take Jesus' lead", which tend to be clearer in the public context I'm familiar with.
Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?
by Spike Tassel inperhaps this article will help you know for yourself: http://www.tetragrammaton.org/godsnameabsent.htm.
Spike Tassel
If none of the original writings of the NT have yet been found, it follows that we cannot yet know what language these originals were in, and we cannot know yet whether the divine name was found in them as per se. Any hypothesis in these areas will need to be substantiated with scientific proof, as they say. But, and this is a large but, the fact that paraphrases in the NT are definitely made from the OT (which did use the Tetragrammaton), it then follows that God's name is at least implicit to the NT, as John 17:6 makes clear. The OT distinction between Jehovah and his Master Worker (including at Psalm 110:1) makes it clear to me that the clear distinction between Jehovah and his Master Worker (the only example we have of a father resurrecting a son, so far as I know) must be maintained.
two witness ruling ?
by KAYTEE inif a paedophile commits a crime against a junior there has to be, according to the watchtower two witnesses for action to be taken.. if one party of a marriage commits adultery, does there have to be the same, (two witnesses) before action is taken?.
if not........................ kt.
Spike Tassel
as conditions (i.e. gut feelings) change, so do the rulings, apparently. I would like to see it mandated that JC proceedings be video-taped and each person in the room getting a copy. I would also like to see a written transcript for all as well, for on-going treatment of the spiritual disorders diagnosed so that reform, i.e. repentance can be soundly attained. This requires that the JC proceed with full reference to the latest WT library CD, updated by each and every release as it comes out.